Core+ stability

An effective system to keep the load more stable at higher speeds.

Core + stability

GH’S SOLUTION: Core+ Stability

  • Effective for both trolley travel and crane travel.
  • Effective to reduce sway due to both acceleration and braking.
  • Touch-screen: Easy configuration and crane monitoring (power consumption, alarms, system faults).
  • Easy to retrofit existing cranes. The CORE+ unit is affixed to the electrical panel door.


  1. Higher speed + Better accuracy = Increased Productivity and Safety

    Hassle-free for operator: System reduces sway automatically.

How it works

  1. Inputs from VFDs

    CORE+ STABILITY continuously receives following inputs from VFDs:

    • Commands from operator (accelerate / decelerate).
    • Actual speeds (hoisting, trolley travel and crane travel).
    • Vertical position of hook (given by the hoisting motor encoder).
  2. Built-in exclusive Algorithm

    Algorithm determines, based on above inputs, optimal acceleration / deceleration rates.

  3. Instructs how to move

    Core+ Stability instructs VFDs how to perform the movement.

  4. Back to point 1

How it works

Technical details

Bi-directional communication between CORE+ and the VFDs for hoisting, trolley travel and crane travel. Connection via CANopen fieldbus. Software is Upgradable via included USB port. Requires VFDs for all 3 movements, and hoisting motor encoder. Does not require expensive or failure-prone sensors. Maintenance-free. Open-loop control: will not detect / correct sway due to external factors. Automatically disconnects at low-speed motion to ease load positioning. System can be easily connected/disconnected (using touchscreen or optional remote control).